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Книги из Библиотеки им. Виктора Сержа в ЦСПИ

Общественная библиотека имени Виктора Сержа была открыта в Москве 1 мая 1997 г. В ней была собрана литература по широкому спектру проблем современной политики, истории, экономики, философии, социологии. Главная специализация библиотеки – история и современное состояние левой общественной мысли, социальных и политических движений в России и мире. Библиотечный фонд включал более четырех тысяч книг, брошюр и журналов на русском, английском, французском, немецком, испанском и итальянском языках, в т.ч. уникальные издания, отсутствующие в других библиотеках на территории РФ.
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Abad de Santillan, Diego, Diaz, Carlos. Estrategia y tactica: ayer, hoy, manana. Madrid: Ediciones Jucar, 1976. Шифр: S1/106

Abu-Amr, Ziad. Islamic fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza: Muslim brotherhood and Islamic Jihad. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994. Шифр: N1/5586

Albert, Michael, Hahnel, Robin. Unorthodox marxism: an essay on capitalism, socialism and revolution. Boston: South End Press, 1978. Шифр: N1/5585

Allen, James Stewart. Thomas Pain. Selections from his writings. New York: International Publishers, 1937. Шифр: N1/5569

Alperovitz, Gar, Faux, Geoffrey P. Rebuilding America. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984. Шифр: L1/1253

Anderson, Andy, Porosz, Tibor. Ungheria’56: la Comune di Budapest i Consigli operai. Milano: 1990. Шифр: N1/5771

Archer, Jules. Breaking barriers: the Feminist revolution, from Susan B. Anthony to Margaret Sanger to Betty Friedan. New York:         Viking, 1991. Шифр: L1/1244

Archibald, William Peter. Marx and the missing link: «human nature’. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press International, 1993. Шифр: N1/5772

Arnesen, Eric. Waterfront workers of New Orleans: race, class, and politics, 1863-1923. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994. Шифр: L1/1581

Ascherson, Neal. The Polish August: the self-limiting revolution. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. Шифр: N1/5583

Avineri, Shlomo. Hegel’s theory of the modern state. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. Шифр: N1/5911

Bailey, Anne M., Llobera, Josep R. The Asiatic mode of production: science and politics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Шифр: N1/5200

Bainton, Roland Herbert. Christendom: a short history of Christianity and its impact on Western civilization. Vol. 1: from the birth of Christ to the Reformation. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Шифр: N1/5581

Bainton, Roland Herbert. Here i stand: a life of Martin Luther. New York: A Mentor book, 1959. Шифр: S1/107

Ball, Terence. Political theory and praxis: new perspectives. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Шифр: L1/1149

Balbus, Isaac D. Marxism and domination: a neo-Hegelian, feminist, psychoanalytic theory of sexual, political, and technological liberation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982. Шифр: L1/1141

Barr, Nicholas A. The economics of the welfare state. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993. Шифр: L1/1593

Barber, Benjamin Reynolds. Fear’s empire: war, terrorism, and democracy. New York: Norton & Company, 2003. Шифр: N1/7040
Barnard, Harry. Eagle forgotten: the life of John Peter Altgeld. Secaucus: Stuart, 1973. Шифр: L1/1248

Baumgartner, Frank R., Jones, Bryan D. Agendas and instability in American politics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993. Шифр: L1/1592

Beard, Charles A. An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States: with new introduction. New York: The Macmillan company, 1956. Шифр: N1/5595

Bedford, Henry F. Seabrook Station: citizen politics and nuclear power. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1990. Шифр: L1/1584

Bell-Scott, Patricia, Johnson-Bailey, Juanita. Flat-footed truths: telling black women’s lives. New York: Holt, 1998. Шифр: N1/5560

Bello, Walden F. Dilemmas of domination: the unmaking of the American empire. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2005. Шифр: L1/1256

Berneri, Camillo, Mintz, Frank. Guerre de classes en Espagne, 1936-1937. Еt textes libertaires. Paris: Spartacus, 1977. Шифр: N1/5201

Bernstein, Richard J. Beyond objectivism and relativism: science, hermeneutics, and praxis. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988. Шифр: L1/1237

Best, Joel. Images of issues: typifying contemporary social problems. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1989. Шифр: L1/1246

Binkley, Eleanore H. Reflections on the labor movement in the United States. New York: 1982. Шифр: N1/5580

Blackwell, William L. The industrialization of Russia: an historical perspective. New York: Crowell, 1970. Шифр: N1/5202

Bleaney, Michael Francis. Underconsumption theories: a history and critical analysis. New York: International Publishers, 1976. Шифр: N1/5593

Boal, Iain, Stone, Janferie, Watts, Michael, Winslow, Carl. West of Eden: Communes and Utopia in northern California. Oakland: PM Press, 2012. Шифр: L1/1604

Bloed, Arie. Monitoring human rights in Europe: comparing international procedures and mechanisms. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1993. Шифр: L1/1148

Boissy, Patrice. Developpement international: le choix des strategies. Paris: Les Editions d’Organisation , 1989. Шифр: L1/1625

Bouet, Antoine, Le Cacheux, Jacques E., Bourguinat, Henri. Globalisation et politiques economiques: les marges de manoeuvre. Paris: Economica, 1999. Шифр: L1/1624

Bowles, Samuel, Gordon, David Michael, Weisskopf, Thomas Emil. After the waste land: a democratic economics for the year 2000. Armonk: Sharpe, 1991. Шифр: L1/1250

Boyer, Robert, Souyri, Pierre. Mondialisation et regulations: Europe et Japon face a la singularite americaine. Paris: La Decouverte, 2001. Шифр: N1/7033

Brilman, Jean. Gagner la competition mondiale. Paris: Les Editions d’Organisation, 1991. Шифр: L1/1191

Brotherstone, Terry, Pilling, Geoffrey, Fryer, Peter, Kemp, Michae. History, economic history and the future of marxism: essays in memory of Tom Kemp (1921-1993). London: Porcupine Press, 1996. Шифр: L1/1594

Brown, Richard Harvey. Social science as civic discourse: essays on the invention, legitimation, and uses of social theory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989. Шифр: L1/1257

Brunn, Gerhard. Sozialdemokratie in Köln: ein Beitrag zur Stadt- und Parteiengeschichte. Koln: Emons Verlag, 1986. Шифр: L1/1255

Burnell, Elaine H. Asian dilemma: United States, Japan and China: a special report from the Center for the study of democratic institutions. Santa Barbara: Center for the study of democratic institutions, 1969. Шифр: N1/5582

Butler, David Edgeworth, Penniman, Howard Rae, Ranney, Austin. Democracy at the polls: a comparative study of competitive national elections. Washington:            American enterprise institute for public policy research, 1981. Шифр: L1/1602

Bruno, Michael, Fischer, Stanley, Helpman, Elhanan, Liviatan, Nissan, Meridor, Leora (Rubin). Lessons of economic stabilization and its aftermath: (papers from a conference held at the Mishkenot Shaananim Music Center in Jerusalem, Jan. 1990, and sponsored by the Bank of Israel and the Inter-American Development Bank). Cambridge (Mass.): The MIT Press,          1991. Шифр: L1/1606

Butterfield, Stephen. Amway, the cult of free enterprise. Boston: South End Press, 1985. Шифр: N1/5591

Cannon, James Patrick. The first ten years of American communism: report of a participant. New York: Pathfinder press, 1973. Шифр: N1/5588

Cannon, James Patrick, Munis, Grandizo. Socialism on trial: expanded to include: Defense policy in the Minneapolis trial: a criticism by Grandizo Munis and an answer by James P. Cannon. New York: Pathfinder press, 1975. Шифр: N1/5589

Centre international de recherches sur l’anarchisme (CIRA) (Lausanne), Thierry, Albert. Refuser de parvenir: idees et pratiques. Paris: Nada,           2016. Шифр: N1/7036

Coates, Ken, Topham, Tony. Industrial democracy in Great Britain: a book of readings and witnesses for workers’ control. London: Macgibbon & Kee, 1968. Шифр: L1/1302

Cockburn, Alexander. Corruptions of empire: life studies and the Reagan era. London: Verso, 1988. Шифр: L1/1229

Commoner, Barry. Making peace with the planet.   New York: Pantheon Books, 1990. Шифр: L1/1196

Colson, Daniel. Anarcho-syndicalisme et luttes ouvrières. Lyon: Atelier de creation libertaire, 1996. Шифр: N1/5770

Colombo, Eduardo. De l’Histoire du mouvement ouvrier revolutionnaire: actes du colloque international Pour un autre futur (organisé en mai 2000 par la CNT française à la Bourse du travail de Saint-Denis). Paris: Nautilus, 2001. Шифр: N1/5765

Chase-Dunn, Christopher K., Hall, Thomas D. Rise and demise: comparing world-systems. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997. Шифр: L1/1192

Chazoff, J. Le mensonge bolcheviste. La Bussiere: Acratie, 1998. Шифр: N1/5766

Choudry, Aziz, Hanley, Jill, Shragge, Eric. Organize!: building from the local for global justice. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2012. Шифр: L1/1611

Civil Rights Congress (U.S.), Patterson, William L. We charge genocide: the historic petition to the United Nations for relief from a crime of the United States government against the negro people. New York: 1951. Шифр: ВК 455/2W 371

Croce, Benedetto, De Gennaro, Angelo A. Essays on Marx and Russia. New York: Frederick Ungar publishing co, 1966. Шифр: N1/5897

Cullenberg, Stephen. The falling rate of profit: recasting the marxian debate. London: Pluto Press, 1994. Шифр: L1/1617

Daum, Walter. The life and death of stalinism: a resurrection of marxist theory. New York: Socialist Voice Publishing Co., 1990. Шифр: L1/1583

Deikman, Arthur J. The wrong way home: uncovering the patterns of cult behavior in American society. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990. Шифр: L1/1628

Dessauer, John P. Book publishing: what it is, what it does. New York: R. R. Bowker company, 1974. Шифр: L1/1590

Dolgoff, Sam, Bookchin, Murray. The anarchist collectives: workers’ self-management in the Spanish revolution, 1936-1939. New York: Free Life editions, 1977. Шифр: N1/5584

Dommanget, Maurice, Vovelle, Michel, Marechal, Sylvain, Guerin, Daniel. Enrages et cures rouges en 1793: Jacques Roux, Pierre Dolivier. Paris: Spartacus, 1993. Шифр: N1/5323

Donaldson, Cam, Gerard, Karen. Economics of health care financing: the visible hand. New York: St.Martin’s Press, 1993. Шифр: L1/1601

Dorpalen, Andreas. Heinrich von Treitschke. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957. Шифр: L1/1622

Dortu, Jean-Claude. Enseigner sans etre stresse? Paris: Les Editions d’Organisation, 1992. Шифр: L1/1612

Dubiel, Helmut, Gregg, Benjamin, Jay, Martin. Theory and politics: studies in the development of critical theory. Cambridge (Mass.): The MIT Press, 1985. Шифр: L1/1240

Edsall, Thomas Byrne, Edsall, Mary D. Chain reaction: the impact of race, rights, and taxes on American politics. New York: Norton & Company,         1992. Шифр: L1/1228

Emmanuel, Arghiri, Bettelheim, Charles. L’echange inegal: essai sur les antagonismes dans les rapports economiques internationaux. Paris:          Francois Maspero, 1972. Шифр: L1/1609

Emerson, Thomas Irwin, Emerson, Joan P., Reich, Charles A. Young lawyer for the New Deal: an insider’s memoir of the Roosevelt years. Savage: Rowman & Littlefield, 1991. Шифр: L1/1610
Enckell, Marianne. La Federation jurassienne: les origines de l’anarchisme en Suisse. Saint-Imier: Canevas, 1991. Шифр: ЕЛ 57/2En 17

Evans, Mary. Simone de Beauvoir: a feminist mandarin. London: Tavistock, 1985. Шифр: N1/5203

Eyskens, Mark, Owen, David, Rocard, Michel, Rotfeld, Adam Daniel, Schroder, Gerhard, Toukan, Abdullah. How can Europe prevent conflicts? Brussels: Philip Morris Institute for Public Policy Research, 1997. Шифр: L1/1607

Faber, Daniel J. Environment under fire: imperialism and the ecological crisis in Central America. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1993. Шифр: N1/703

Farber, Marvin. The search for an alternative: philosophical perspectives of subjectivism and Marxism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984. Шифр: L1/1258

Feibleman, James Kern. Christianity, communism and the ideal society: a philosophical approach to modern politics. London: Allen & Unwin, 1937. Шифр: L1/1304

Feshbach, Murray, Friendly, Alfred, Brown, Lester. Ecocide in the USSR: health and nature under siege. New York: Basic Books, 1992. Шифр: L1/1579

Finamore, Carl, Volkov, Esteban. Gorbachev’s U.S.S.R.: is stalinism dead?: a collection of essays in defense of socialist democracy. San Francisco: Walnut publishing, 1989. Шифр: N1/5206

Forman, James. Sammy Younge, Jr.: the first black college student to die in the Black Liberation Movement. New York: Grove press, 1968. Шифр: N1/5559

Foster, William Z. American trade unionism: principles and organization, strategy and tactics. New York: International Publishers, 1970. Шифр: ЕТ 2440/2F 661

Frank, Andre Gunder. Critique and anti-critique: essays on dependence and reformism. New York: Praeger, 1984. Шифр: L1/1143

Frank, Joseph. Through the Russian prism: essays on literature and culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. Шифр: L1/1582

Fraenkel, Ernst, Shils, Edward A., Lowenstein, Edith, Knorr, Klaus. The dual state: a contribution to the theory of dictatorship. New York: Octagon Books, 1969. Шифр: L1/1301

Freeman, Richard Barry. Working under different rules. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994. Шифр: L1/1186

Fromm, Erich. Man for himself: an enquiry into the psychology of ethics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967. Шифр: N1/5199

Fry, Brian R. Mastering public administration: from Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. Chatham:  Chatham house publ., 1989. Шифр: L1/1613

Fuwa, Tetsuzo. Interference and betrayal: Japanese Communist Party fights back against Soviet hegemonism. Tokyo: Japan Press Service, 1994. Шифр: N1/7039

Garcia Higueras, Gabriel. Trotsky en el espejo de la historia: ensayos. Lima: 2005. Шифр: L1/1591

Gavi, Philippe, Sartre, Jean-Paul, Victor, Pierre. On a raison de se revolter: discussions. Paris: Gallimard, 1974. Шифр: S1/108

George, Susan. The Lugano report: on preserving capitalism in the twenty-first century. London: Pluto Press, 1999. Шифр: N1/5777

Geronimo,, Katsiaficas, George N., Kuhn, Gabriel. Fire and flames: a history of the German autonomist movement. Oakland: PM Press, 2012. Шифр: L1/1732

Gitelman, Zvi Y. The quest for Utopia: Jewish political ideas and institutions through the ages. Armonk: Sharpe, 1992. Шифр: L1/1233

Glucksmann, Andre. Le discours de la haine. Paris: Hachette-Littératures 2005. Шифр: S1/125

Goldman, Emma. Living my life. Salt Lake City: A Peregrine Smith book/Gibbs M. Smith, inc., 1982. Шифр: N1/5561
Goldthorpe, John Ernest. The sociology of the Third World: disparity and involvement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Шифр: L1/1189

Gombin, Richard. Les origines du gauchisme. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1971. Шифр: S1/110

Gould, Carol C. Beyond domination: new perspectives on women and philosophy. Totowa: Rowman & Allanheld         , 1984. Шифр: N1/7031

Gramsci, Antonio. The Modern Prince and other writings. New York: International Publishers, 1970. Шифр: N1/5205

Greeman, Richard. Dangerous shortcuts and vegetarian sharks: seven internationalist essays. S.l.: Sampler edition, 2007. Шифр: L1/1190

Greeman, Richard. Beware of vegetarian sharks: radical rants and internationalist essays, illustrated. Moscow: Praxis research and education center, 2007. Шифр: L1/1247

Grosskinsky, Frank. «Dann kam die deutsche Macht»: weissrussische Kinderhaftlinge in deutschen Konzentrationslagern, 1941-1945. Koln: Betrieb Rode-Stankowski, 1999. Шифр: L1/1193

Giddens, Antony. New rules of sociological method: a positive critique of interpretative sociologies. New York: Basic Books, 1976. Шифр: N1/5596

Guevara, Ernesto, Castro, Fidel, Scheer, Robert. The diary of Che Guevara: Bolivia: November 7, 1966-October 7, 1967. Toronto: Bantam books, 1968. Шифр: S1/102

Guha, Pradyot. American democracy: an analytical study. New Delhi: Sterling publ., 1986. Шифр: N1/7038

Harkavy, Robert E. The arms trade and international systems. Cambridge (Mass.): Ballinger publishing company, 1975. Шифр: L1/1630

Hartz, Louis, Roazen, Paul, Barber, Benjamin Reynolds. The necessity of choice: nineteenth-century political thought. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1990. Шифр: L1/1631

Hatcher, Patrick Lloyd. The suicide of an elite: American internationalists and Vietnam. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990. Шифр: L1/1252

Hannum, Hurst. Guide to international human rights practice. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994. Шифр: L1/1626

Hayek, Friedrich August von. The counter-revolution of science: studies on the abuse of reason. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1979. Шифр: N1/5562

Heinberg, Richard. The party’s over: oil, war and the fate of industrial societies.             Gabriola Island: New Society publishers, 2003. Шифр: L1/1226

Heller, Agnes, Feher, Ferenc. The postmodern political condition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. Шифр: L1/1144

Hitti, Philip Khuri. Islam and the West: a historical cultural survey. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1962. Шифр: S1/109

Higham, John. Ethnic leadership in America: (papers from a symposium held at Johns Hopkins university Feb. 5-6, 1976). Baltimore: The J. Hopkins University Press, 1979. Шифр: L1/1142

Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Darwin and the Darwinian revolution: (a biographical, historical, and philosophical study of the impact of Darwinism on the intellectual climate of the nineteenth century). New York: Norton,      1968. Шифр: N1/5579

Hinckley, Barbara. The symbolic presidency: how presidents portray themselves. New York: Routledge, 1990. Шифр: L1/1605

Hobsbawm, Eric John, Gramsci, Antonio. Echoes of the Marseillaise: two centuries look back on the French Revolution. London: Verso, 1990. Шифр: L1/1616

Homet, Roland S. The new realism: a fresh beginning in U.S.-Soviet relations. New York: Harper Collins, 1990. Шифр: L1/1600

Istrati, Panait. Les Chardons du Baragan. Paris: Grasset, 2002. Шифр: N1/5673

James, Selma, Rediker, Marcus, Lopez, Nina. Sex, race, and class: the perspective of winning. Oakland: PM Press, 2012. Шифр: L1/1596

Jasso, Guillermina, Rosenzweig, Mark Richard. The new chosen people: immigrants in the United States. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1990. Шифр: L1/1598

Jensen, Derrick. Resistance against empire: (interviews with: K. Albrecht, K. Bales, R. Clark, R. McChesney, A. McCoy, A. Mittal, C. Parenti, J. Schor, S. Schwartz, J. W. Smith). Oakland: PM Press, 2010. Шифр: L1/1146

Jones, Mary Harris, Parton, Mary Field, Darrow, Clarence, Thompson, Fred. The autobiography of Mother Jones. Chicago: Kerr, 1974. Шифр: N1/5552

Journalism under occupation: Israel’s regulation of the Palestinian press. New York: 1988. Шифр: L1/1227

Katz, Montana, Vieland, Veronica. Get smart!: what you should know (but won’t learn in class) about sexual harassment and sex discrimination. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1993. Шифр: L1/1614

Kessler-Harris, Alice. Women have always worked: a historical overview. New York: The Feminist Press, 1981. Шифр: L1/1615

Kazin, Alfred. New York Jew. New York: Vintage Books, 1979. Шифр: S1/101

Kilminster, Richard. Praxis and method: a sociological dialogue with Lukacs, Gramsci and the early Frankfurt School. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. Шифр: N1/5635

Kornbluh, Joyce L., Thompson, Fred, Rosemont, Franklin, Gross, Daniel. Rebel voices: an IWW anthology. Chicago: Kerr, 2011. Шифр: L1/1239

Konrad, Gyorgy, Szelenyi, Ivan, Arato, Andrew, Allen, Richard E. The intellectuals on the road to class power. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. Шифр: N1/5773

Klein, Eric A. Essays commemorating the bicentennial of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights: looking toward the third century. Lanham: University Press of America, 1991. Шифр: N1/7027

Kriesberg, Louis. International conflict resolution: the U.S.-USSR and Middle East cases. New Haven:   Yale University Press, 1992. Шифр: L1/1187

Krimerman, Len, Lindenfeld, Frank. When workers decide: workplace democracy takes root in North America. Philadelphia: New Society publishers, 1992. Шифр: L1/1154

Kusnet, David. Speaking American: how the democrats can win in the nineties. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press/ Nation Books, 1992. Шифр: N1/5762

La Barbera, Guido. La crise du capitalisme d’Etat: ecroulement d’un faux socialisme, 1989-1995. Paris: Editions Science marxiste, 1999. Шифр: N1/5908

Lakoff, Sanford A. Equality in political philosophy. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968. Шифр: N1/5563

Larner, Mary. Fair start for children: lessons learned from seven demonstration projects. New Haven:   Yale University Press, 1992. Шифр: L1/1230

Lembcke, Jerry, Tattam, William M. One union in wood: (a political history of the International Woodworkers of America). Madeira Park: Harbour publishing co., 1984. Шифр: L1/1618

Leon, Abram. The Jewish question: a Marxist interpretation. New York: Pathfinder press, 1972. Шифр: N1/5192

Levy, Sam. The epoch of trotskyism: (an analysis of the latest phase of capitalist development & its consequences). London: 1994. Шифр: N1/5767

Lewis, Bernard. The Middle East and the West. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Шифр: N1/5193

Lichtheim, George. Collected essays. New York: The Viking Press, 1974. Шифр: N1/5194

Light, Paul Charles. Monitoring government: inspectors general and the search for accountability. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 1993. Шифр: L1/1223

Lubbers, Eveline, Klein, Naomi. Battling big business: countering greenwash, infiltration and other forms of corporate bullying. Monroe: Common Courage Press, 2002. Шифр: L1/1232

Lukacs, Georg, Bricianer, Serge. Soljenitsyne. Paris: Gallimard, 1970. Шифр: S1/103

Lunn, Eugene. Prophet of community: the romantic socialism of Gustav Landauer. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. Шифр: Е 74/472

Macleod, Ken. The human front: plus «Other deviations: the human front exposed» and «The future will happen here, too» and «Working the wet end» outspoken interview. Oakland:         PM Press, 2013. Шифр: N1/5776

Magas, Branka. The destruction of Yugoslavia: tracking the break-up, 1980-92. London: Verso, 1993. Шифр: L1/1627

Malatesta, Errico, Renof, Israёl. Articles politiques. Paris: Union generale d’editions, 1979. Шифр: S1/104

Mantsios, Gregory, Sweeney, John J. A new labor movement for the new century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998. Шифр: L1/1620

Mailer, Phil, Brinton, Maurice. Portugal: the impossible revolution? Oakland: PM Press, 2012. Шифр: L1/1147

Marable, Manning. How capitalism underdeveloped Black America: problems in race, political economy and society. Boston: South End Press, 1983. Шифр: N1/5567

Marie, Jean-Jacques. La Russie, 1856-1956. Paris: Hachette, 1997. Шифр: N1/5594

Marxism, nationality and war. London: 1941. Шифр: ЕГ22/2M463 (ЧЗ)

Maquet, Jacques J., Locke, John F. The sociology of knowledge: its structure and its relation to the philosophy of knowledge. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. Шифр: N1/5566

Masters, Donald C. A short history of Canada. New York: Van Nostrand, 1958. Шифр: N1/5196

Mattick, Paul. Anti-bolshevik communism. London: Merlin press, 1978. Шифр: N1/5568

Mazlish, Bruce. The revolutionary ascetic: evolution of a political type. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976. Шифр: N1/5197

Mazoyer, Marcel, Roudart, Laurence, Membrez, James H. A history of world agriculture: from the neolithic age to the current crisis. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006. Шифр: L1/1225

McCormack, John, Pirani, Simon. Polmaise: the fight for a pit. London: Index books, 1989. Шифр: N1/5565

McKay, Colin, McKay, Ian, Jackson, Lewis. For a working-class culture in Canada: a selection of Colin McKay’s writings on sociology and political economy, 1897-1939. St.John’s: Canad. committ. on labour history, 1996. Шифр: L1/1231

Menard, Christian. Le reclassement collectif des salaries. Paris: Les Editions d’Organisation, 1991. Шифр: L1/1586

Millett, Kate. Sexual politics. Doubleday: 1970. Шифр: L1/1235

Minnig, Albert, Gmur, Edi, Enckell, Marianne. «Pour le bien de la revolution»: deux volontaires suisses miliciens en Espagne, 1936-1937. Lausanne: CIRA (Centre international de recherches sur l’anarchisme), 2006. Шифр: N1/5775

Moody, Kim. Workers in a lean world: unions in the international economy. London: Verso, 1997. Шифр: L1/1241

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